The number or string to be abbreviated. If the value is undefined
, the function returns an empty string.
If the value cannot be converted to a number, the function returns 'Invalid input'.
options: AbbreviateOptionsAn optional parameter to specify the formatting options for the suffix.
The abbreviated number with an appropriate suffix or an error message if the input is invalid.
// Basic usage with number input
abbreviateNumber(123); // "123"
abbreviateNumber(1234); // "1.2K"
abbreviateNumber(1234567); // "1.2M"
abbreviateNumber(1234567890); // "1.2B"
// Basic usage with string input
abbreviateNumber("1234567890123"); // "1.2T"
// Using options to format the suffix in lowercase
abbreviateNumber(1234567, { case: 'lower' }); // "1.2m"
// Using options to format the suffix in uppercase
abbreviateNumber(1234567, { case: 'upper' }); // "1.2M"
// Handling undefined input
abbreviateNumber(undefined); // ""
// Handling invalid input
abbreviateNumber("invalid input"); // "Invalid input"
Generated using TypeDoc
Abbreviates a number to a more readable format using suffixes for thousands (K), millions (M), billions (B), and larger values. The function can handle both number and string inputs, and provides an option to format the suffix in lowercase or uppercase.